Best City Awards, the only awards that applaud Innovation and Quality of Life in Greek cities, announced their winners for 2023 in a lively and dynamic Award Ceremony with the participation of the winners, members of the jury, representatives of the state and municipalities, businesses executives, as well as journalists.
The highest level of sponsorship, the Title Sponsorship of this year’s awards, was undertaken by Olympios Group of Companies. Mr. Nikos Petroulias, co-founder of the Group, at the opening speech of the ceremony, after congratulating all the winners, referred to the smart and added-value solutions and services of high quality offered by the Group to the Municipalities of the country in the fields of technology, energy, water, irrigation, wastewater and environment, which respond reliably to the digital challenges of our time.
The Olympios Group of Companies executives, as well as the company-members CEOs, including Mr. Angelos Dragkolas, CEO of IANIC, granted some of the most prestigious awards of the night.
In particular, IANIC is the smart water solutions provider for two Gold Winners in the categories of IoT Applications and Water Services Digitization, the Municipality of Vrilissia and the Municipality of Mykonos respectively, which was also declared Smart Municipality of the year.
IANIC, through its strategic collaboration with Municipalities throughout Greece, was praised once again for its innovative solutions dedicated to the improvement of citizens’ quality of life, through the more efficient management of available resources and the provision of upgraded digital services that make cities smarter.